Search For premise In Quotes 23

Teen movies often have an unspoken underlying premise in which high school is seen as less serious than the adult world. But when your head is encased in that microcosm it's the most serious time of your life.

I don't think it's an incredibly radical premise to try and have sympathy for someone who has made a mistake.

I think Junior is certainly a science fiction premise as is Twins as is Dave beyond Ghostbusters.

Men have defined the parameters of every subject. All feminist arguments however radical in intent or consequence are with or against assertions or premises implicit in the male system which is made credible or authentic by the power of men to name.

Tonight we gather to affirm the greatness of our nation - not because of the height of our skyscrapers or the power of our military or the size of our economy. Our pride is based on a very simple premise summed up in a declaration made over two hundred years ago.

The central premise behind Oslo was that if Arafat were given enough legitimacy territory weapons and money he would use his power to fight terror and make peace with Israel.

I start with the premise that the function of leadership is to produce more leaders not more followers.

Every time you get on a stage or in front of a camera the whole exercise is about imagination. You're constantly depicting something that doesn't exist and trying to find the reality of it. Once you settle on that premise everything else is a matter of degrees.

I liked the premise of this material. I love the marriage relationship. They kind of keep each other honest and they enjoy each other's sense of humor. Kind of a sexy but boring relationship.

What the New Yorker calls home would seem like a couple of closets to most Americans yet he manages not only to live there but also to grow trees and cockroaches right on the premises.