Search For predict In Quotes 88

Agency by agency we frequently have lost a bit of ground at least to inflation-but had it not been for the efforts we've made to educate people about the importance of science technology and advanced education those predictions very well might have come true.

Standing beneath the white light of an Apple store is like standing on a Stanley Kubrick movie set. His '2001: A Space Odyssey' predicted Jobs and a future where technology was our friend. Kubrick of course didn't like what he saw. And occasionally I have my doubts.

If God has made the world a perfect mechanism He has at least conceded so much to our imperfect intellect that in order to predict little parts of it we need not solve innumerable differential equations but can use dice with fair success.

I won't predict anything historic. But nothing is impossible.

Whenever you deal with science fiction you are setting up a world of rules. I think you work hard to establish the rules. And you also have to work even harder to maintain those rules and within that find excitement and unpredictability and all that stuff.

Predicting has a spotty record in science fiction. I've had some failures. On the other hand I also predicted the fall of the Berlin Wall and the rise of fundamentalist Islam... and I'm not happy to be right in all of those cases.

Science is defined in various ways but today it is generally restricted to something which is experimental which is repeatable which can be predicted and which is falsifiable.

I've always seen the world through the eyes of a scientist. I love the predictable outcomes that science gives us the control over the world that that can render.

I hesitate to predict whether this theory is true. But if the general opinion of Mankind is optimistic then we're in for a period of extreme popularity for science fiction.

Science predicts that many different kinds of universe will be spontaneously created out of nothing. It is a matter of chance which we are in.

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Comedy was why I got into acting the first place. Peter Sellers was a huge influence on my wanting to act. I grew up with him and found him hysterical. The Pink Panther films were an inspiration from my earliest childhood days when I was watching them with my brother and my dad.