Search For precede In Quotes 61

I am going to take something I learned over in Israel. Their Independence Day is preceded the 24 hours before with Memorial Day so it gives them a chance to serve and reflect and then celebrate. I am going to try to start that tradition here in America.

Spectacular achievement is always preceded by unspectacular preparation.

Hurtling the Pentagon into an unprecedented budgetary meltdown is horrifically irresponsible. Obama doesn't care. This is war - not against the Taliban but war against the GOP. He has Republicans on the ropes and that's a victory he savors and desires - unlike Afghanistan where he seems only to want to turn tail.

Truth always originates in a minority of one and every custom begins as a broken precedent.

Most people think that shadows follow precede or surround beings or objects. The truth is that they also surround words ideas desires deeds impulses and memories.

I think 99 percent of women's lib comes from technology making different kinds of lives possible and then the social adjustment follows the technology - it doesn't precede it.

Nothing good comes in life or athletics unless a lot of hard work has preceded the effort. Only temporary success is achieved by taking short cuts.

Always remember that striving and struggle precede success even in the dictionary.

I find my greatest pleasure and so my reward in the work that precedes what the world calls success.

Tasmanian history is a study of human isolation unprecedented except in science fiction - namely complete isolation from other humans for 10 000 years.