Search For practices In Quotes 26

One of the biggest challenges to medicine is the incorporation of information technology in our practices.

Additionally Smart Irrigation Month serves to recognize advances in irrigation technology and practices that produce not only more but also higher quality plants with less water.

I do know a lot about Scientology. And I know about the practices. I know all about what the technology is and all that kind of stuff. It's very helpful.

Microsoft is engaging in unlawful predatory practices that go well beyond the scope of fair competition.

A teacher is never too smart to learn from his pupils. But while runners differ basic principles never change. So it's a matter of fitting your current practices to fit the event and the individual. See what's good for you might not be worth a darn for the next guy.

In order to gain the respect of your players in the locker room you can't just perform on Saturday. You have to do it consistently during practices meetings and in the weight room.

I want people to think about movies and how we watch them. Let them know it's okay to question the structure or how we're sometimes duped into a false sense of normalcy. Most of all I want people to question the old standard practices of 'This is how the structure of something should work ' or 'This is how a character must behave.'

As long as you have a system that is based on the rational that if you are making money you are thereby making a contribution to society these financial rogue practices will continue.

I would like the Medical Society to be one of the resources for information about the influences that have an impact on our patients and our practices.

If people want to get into leadership through corrupt practices through corrupt means I think that's detestable we have to take action.