Search For powder In Quotes 16

Man is a military animal glories in gunpowder and loves parade.

What gunpowder did for war the printing press has done for the mind.

Put your trust in God but be sure to keep your powder dry.

The only success worth one's powder was success in the line of one's idiosyncrasy... what was talent but the art of being completely whatever one happened to be?

We owe to the Middle Ages the two worst inventions of humanity - romantic love and gunpowder.

The real use of gunpowder is to make all men tall.

I used to drink tons of caffeine. Now I make smoothies with frozen berries and Green Vibrance health powder.

The three great elements of modern civilization Gun powder Printing and the Protestant religion.

We've demonstrated a strong track record of being very disciplined with the use of our cash. We don't let it burn a hole in our pocket we don't allow it to motivate us to do stupid acquisitions. And so I think that we'd like to continue to keep our powder dry because we do feel that there are one or more strategic opportunities in the future.

You can buy a box of low-fat macaroni and cheese made with powdered nonsense. I'm not worried if I'm using four different cheeses and it's high in fat. It's real food. That's what's more important.