Search For pointed In Quotes 50

I think all women have a friend who at some point dumped them or betrayed them or deeply disappointed them. And at the same time all women have a friend who they dumped or betrayed or hurt in some way. That's universal in women's friendships.

There's as much crookedness as you want to find. There was something Abraham Lincoln said - he'd rather trust and be disappointed than distrust and be miserable all the time. Maybe I trusted too much.

This little kid pointed at me and said 'You look disgusting!' That was the first time I thought maybe I did. I decided I'd better start eating. I'm just thankful that I made it through with relatively few scars.

I don't think success arrives and you're suddenly happy. It's not like that. If people think that they'll be very disappointed.

You can manage 50 people through the strength of your personality and lack of sleep. You can touch them all in a week and make sure they're all pointed in the right direction.

What happened was very sad. Mr. Lacey told the staff that he was disappointed and appalled that the front of the book was all commentary and that he wanted hard news.

The amount of speculation surrounding my romantic life is astounding. It's strange how involved people get: invested and angry really disappointed.

I think somehow men understand other men's need for respect differently than they understand it for a woman. I'm disappointed to have to say that but I think it's undeniably true.

As I have pointed out it is the Christian tradition that is the most fundamental element in Western culture. It lies at the base not only of Western religion but also of Western morals and Western social idealism.

I was actually a bit disappointed about the amount of sex in the show. I think Backus should get out a bit more get a relationship perhaps make her a lesbian.