Search For pitch In Quotes 33

When the British came to Ibo land for instance at the beginning of the 20th century and defeated the men in pitched battles in different places and set up their administrations the men surrendered. And it was the women who led the first revolt.

I would like to host a show something like travel or cooking or something like that something I'm really interested in and so I'm pitching a couple television shows.

A major league pitching coach is a really difficult job. It takes a big commitment in terms of time travel and workload.

What's unfortunate about buying a pitcher for $12 million is that he carries no warranty.

Every great batter works on the theory that the pitcher is more afraid of him than he is of the pitcher.

Hitting is timing. Pitching is upsetting timing.

I love playing football being out on the pitch with a ball and I will be a little sad when that ends.

I haven't seen a player in this game as long as I've been in it that can't be pitched to... Barry is an outstanding ballplayer. I respect him an awful lot. I also have confidence in my pitchers that they can pitch to Barry Bonds and get him out.

It's easy to see why pitchers respect McGwire. If you hit behind him they're saying that they don't respect you. You have to change their thinking.

As soon as I got out there I felt a strange relationship with the pitcher's mound. It was as if I'd been born out there. Pitching just felt like the most natural thing in the world. Striking out batters was easy.