Search For physicist In Quotes 15

The weapons were conceived and created by a small band of physicists and chemists they remain a cataclysmic threat to the whole of human society and the natural environment.

I think it's science and physics are just starting to learn from all these experiments. These experiments have been carried out hundreds and hundreds of times in all sorts of ways that no physicist really questions the end point. I think that these experiments are very clearly telling us that consciousness is limitless and the ultimate reality.

As a theoretical physicist I feel at once proud and humble at the thought of the illustrious figures that have preceded me here to receive the greatest of all honors in science the Nobel prize.

I'm a geophysicist and all my earth science books when I was a student I had to give the wrong answer to get an A. We used to ridicule continental drift. It was something we laughed at. We learned of Marshall Kay's geosynclinal cycle which is a bunch of crap.

Our science has become terrible our research dangerous our findings deadly. We physicists have to make peace with reality. Reality is not as strong as we are. We will ruin reality.

There are now over 5 000 medical physicists in the U.S more than 50 times the number in 1958.

I am sure that I have been much more useful to society as a medical physicist.

Medical physicists work in cooperation with doctors. A few medical physicists devote their time to research and teaching. A few get involved with administrative duties.

Most medical physicists work in the physics of radiation oncology making sure that the desired dose is given to the cancer and the dose to normal tissues are minimized.

The growth of technology is such that it is not possible today for a nuclear physicist to switch into medical physics without training. The field is now much more technical. More training is needed to do the job.