Search For pause In Quotes 25

Christmas gives us the opportunity to pause and reflect on the important things around us - a time when we can look back on the year that has passed and prepare for the year ahead.

I don't want to put a pause on the rest of my life I'm really enjoying getting older and the wisdom that comes from that.

You can trust a Neil Simon script. Every dot. Every dash that pause means something. He takes all the jokes out practically.

It's the same each time with progress. First they ignore you then they say you're mad then dangerous then there's a pause and then you can't find anyone who disagrees with you.

There comes a pause for human strength will not endure to dance without cessation and everyone must reach the point at length of absolute prostration.

Nature knows no pause in progress and development and attaches her curse on all inaction.

Nature's music is never over her silences are pauses not conclusions.

In the theater it's about taking time in a musical segment a pause in a musical way and then moving on.

I certainly hope I'm not still answering child-star questions by the time I reach menopause.

Dorothy is the only woman in history who has had her menopause in public and made it pay.