Search For pathetic In Quotes 26

Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance.

The whole point of being in the Army is wanting to get killed wanting to test yourself to the limits. Now you have to fly 15 000ft above the war zone to avoid getting hit. I don't think there is any point in having wars if that's how you're going to behave. It's pathetic. All this whining!

If we don't get gun-control laws in this country we are full of beans. To have the National Rifle Association rule the United States is pathetic. And I agree with Mayor Michael Bloomberg: It's time to put up or shut up about gun control for both parties.

Modern science then so far from being an enemy of romance is seen on every hand to be its sympathetic and resourceful friend its swift and irresistible helper in its serious need and an indulgent minister to its lighter fancies.

War is very sad and small life is pathetically fragile at times.

I don't think that digital photography is romantic yet. It's not sympathetic the way that film is.

Anyone with sincere religious beliefs cannot say that all religions are true. That is so illogical it is pathetic. All religion cannot be true because some of them are so diametrically opposed to each other.

When Luke and Laura dated in 'General Hospital' when I was a kid I was very excited. And that was a rather pathetic relationship if you break it down because let's face it: he raped her... and then they got married. There's all kinds of things that TV does to relationships.

There will be I think an attempt to grasp again the surprise and accidents of nature and a more intimate and sympathetic study of its moods together with a renewed wonder and humility on the part of such as are still capable of these basic reactions.

I literally have meetings at eight o'clock in the morning and I finish at nine o'clock at night. It sounds pathetic but I don't even have time to go shopping.