Search For overseas In Quotes 19

We didn't start this war - the right wing did. We're tired of seeing good-paying jobs shipped overseas. This fight is about the economy it's about jobs and it's about rebuilding America.

New terms used like 'overseas contingency operation' instead of the word 'war' - that reflects a worldview that is out of touch with the enemy that we face. We can't spin our way out of this threat.

All of my friends are animal people. To me cats are people too. Animals are people too. I travel a lot and when I go overseas it's really hard on me because the animals are treated much differently especially in developing countries.

I usually just have one cat. It is difficult but I have my one cat that he'll travel with me if it's appropriate if I'm not going overseas.

Every Teen Challenge ministry is responsible for raising its own finances but we assist these works with finances prayer and counseling especially overseas in areas such as Siberia Africa South America.

Haven't two hundred years of failed missionary work overseas taught anybody anything? You can't convert people to anything - whether religion or something as inane as our flicks.

In addition to serving overseas the Peace Corps' Crisis Corps Volunteers have helped their fellow Americans.

In fact my mom always told me because I was the daughter of an Army officer born overseas in Paris France that under the Constitution she believed that I could never run for president.

What we bring to the table is not only our 56 field offices in the United States and our number of resident agencies but also we have 45 legal attaches overseas.

Another factor is the decision made in 1976 to sharply divide the FBI and the foreign intelligence agencies. The FBI would collect within the United States the foreign intelligence agencies would collect overseas.