Search For overs In Quotes 139

Soul meets soul on lovers' lips.

It can't be overstated how wonderful it is not to have to audition any more. Any actor will tell you it's like Christmas.

The last thing one discovers in composing a work is what to put first.

There is no pain equal to that which two lovers can inflict on one another. This should be made clear to all who contemplate such a union. The avoidance of this pain is the beginning of wisdom for it is strong enough to contaminate the rest of our lives.

We didn't start this war - the right wing did. We're tired of seeing good-paying jobs shipped overseas. This fight is about the economy it's about jobs and it's about rebuilding America.

New terms used like 'overseas contingency operation' instead of the word 'war' - that reflects a worldview that is out of touch with the enemy that we face. We can't spin our way out of this threat.

Only enemies speak the truth friends and lovers lie endlessly caught in the web of duty.

All of my friends are animal people. To me cats are people too. Animals are people too. I travel a lot and when I go overseas it's really hard on me because the animals are treated much differently especially in developing countries.

Lovers of air travel find it exhilarating to hang poised between the illusion of immortality and the fact of death.

I usually just have one cat. It is difficult but I have my one cat that he'll travel with me if it's appropriate if I'm not going overseas.