Search For overall In Quotes 40

The reason a lot of people do not recognize opportunity is because it usually goes around wearing overalls looking like hard work.

Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.

The overall strength of Chinese culture and its international influence is not commensurate with China's international status. The international culture of the West is strong while we are weak.

Darts players are probably a lot fitter than most footballers in overall body strength.

Academics often discount the value of top-rated sports programs in helping to develop a campus life and in contributing to the overall success of a college or university. Like it or not the sports programs a college or university has are the front page of that university.

The families of many athletes - incensed at the sports leagues and hoping to make games safer overall - are increasingly making the brains of players who die prematurely and suspiciously available for study. Some athletes are even making the bequest themselves.

Overall the fundamentals seem to be there and he's obviously got a very mature head on his shoulders. He's got a kind of presence.

Approach the game with no preset agendas and you'll probably come away surprised at your overall efforts.

I took religion much too seriously however and its overall effect was depressing. I would have really liked to discard it but somehow I couldn't.

The influence of blogging is overall a very positive force in the media.

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Old hands soil it seems whatever they caress but they too have their beauty when they are joined in prayer. Young hands were made for caresses and the sheathing of love. It is a pity to make them join too soon.