Search For outlet In Quotes 21

Blessed is the man who has some congenial work some occupation in which he can put his heart and which affords a complete outlet to all the forces there are in him.

Growing up sports was my outlet my way to portray a personality. I was very shy around people but through sports something I was good at I was able to make friends.

I like to follow my favorite team and talk sports with my band or fans. You won't believe how many musicians are sports fans. We have so much time on tour that we need these outlets for relaxation.

'Glee' is one of the very few mainstream outlets that is giving a voice to communities of people that don't necessarily have a loud voice specifically the gay community. It gives a really positive and forward statement.

The proliferation of outlets that digital technology has enabled has itself contributed to the changing nature of what we regard as 'news' and the way in which many citizens perceive politics.

Poetry is the one place where people can speak their original human mind. It is the outlet for people to say in public what is known in private.

I believe that music is a force in itself. It is there and it needs an outlet a medium. In a way we are just the medium.

My mom has always said that the one thing she wishes she had done differently is have a job. She felt like the single-mindedness made her a little nuts sometimes and she could have used an outlet for herself when we were little.

I'm not claiming that football is the nation's salvation in this area but it's one of them one little thing that apparently has captured the imagination of a large sector of our society. But when football can't be a relatively pure outlet a fun thing then it hurts itself.

Each one of us is an outlet to God and an inlet to God.