Search For outer In Quotes 26

The best translations cannot convey to us the strength and exquisite delicacy of thought in its native garb and he to whom such books are shut flounders about in outer darkness.

American society as a whole can never achieve the outer-reaches of potential so long as it tolerates the inner cities of despair.

Don't you see what's at stake here? The ultimate aim of all science to penetrate the unknown. Do you realize we know less about the earth we live on than about the stars and the galaxies of outer space? The greatest mystery is right here right under our feet.

Genius without religion is only a lamp on the outer gate of a palace it may serve to cast a gleam of light on those that are without while the inhabitant sits in darkness.

Living here on Earth we breathe the rhythms of a universe that extends infinitely above us. When resonant harmonies arise between this vast outer cosmos and the inner human cosmos poetry is born.

We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.

The simplification of life is one of the steps to inner peace. A persistent simplification will create an inner and outer well-being that places harmony in one's life.

The three great elemental sounds in nature are the sound of rain the sound of wind in a primeval wood and the sound of outer ocean on a beach.

I'm a Cancerian the typical crab with the tough outer shell and the soft bit in the middle. I don't think I'll ever come to terms with people being unnecessarily nasty but I can take it if someone doesn't like my music - I'm not everyone's cup of tea.

We live in the mind in ideas in fragments. We no longer drink in the wild outer music of the streets - we remember only.