Search For organized In Quotes 80

I'm a disorganized mess. My purse is gross: I once found a shoulder pad string cheese and a Christmas ornament in it!

Young feminists have been sold a bill of goods about American feminism. The enormous changes in women over the past 40 years are constantly and falsely attributed to the organized women's movement of the late 1960s and '70s.

War is organized murder and torture against our brothers.

I travel a lot. If you look at my suitcase everything is extremely well-packed and well-folded people who travel with me are impressed at how organized I am. Some would refer to me as a maniac for this.

The basis on which good repute in any highly organized industrial community ultimately rests is pecuniary strength and the means of showing pecuniary strength and so of gaining or retaining a good name are leisure and a conspicuous consumption of goods.

Of course in our grade school in those days there were no organized sports at all. We just went out and ran around the school yard for recess.

When did I know I had talent? I think it started when I first started playing sports organized sports.

If you ask an economist what's driven economic growth it's been major advances in things that mattered - the mechanization of farming mass manufacturing things like that. The problem is our society is not organized around doing that.

The model of ownership in a society organized round mass consumption is addiction.

The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society.

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I have this complex. I don't like too much exposure. I don't know why it is. Maybe it's bred in me because my dad always told me to be humble and don't think you're too good.