Search For oceans In Quotes 14

Three things have been difficult to tame: the oceans fools and women. We may soon be able to tame the oceans fools and women will take a little longer.

To myself I am only a child playing on the beach while vast oceans of truth lie undiscovered before me.

As a sophomore I wanted to play varsity in three sports. And I accomplished that. It was a great feat that year and something I held special. I wanted to bring a championship team to Oceanside High School and it happened. It was a great year that I will never forget.

I used to be such a militant city-ist but more and more I've seen forests and nature and oceans and I don't know any more if this is the awesomest way to live.

We've been a country that's been fortunate to be protected by two oceans to not have serious attacks on our territory for most of our history. And we were unfortunately reminded in a very devastating way of our vulnerability.

What I mean by that is that the point of life as I see it is not to write books or scale mountains or sail oceans but to achieve happiness and preferably an unselfish happiness.

I'm not retiring. I am graduating. Today is my graduation day. Retirement means that you'll just go ahead and live on your laurels and surf all day in Oceanside. It ain't going to happen.

This time instead of moving oceans and healing planets let's get our bills in order and pay down the debt so we control our own future.

I got the wake-up call that no one is policing our oceans. I wondered how can I do anything? What really can I do to make things better? There are some perks to being a celebrity. My job is to be funny once in a while but it's my responsibility to make good use of it.

Neither does man have gills for living in a water environment yet it is not sinful to explore the depths of the oceans in search of food or other blessings.