Search For nineteen In Quotes 16

Well the teacher I studied with for nineteen and a half years was a man named Paul Gavert. He was a great lieder singer so basically I'm a trained lieder singer because of that teacher. The teacher I currently study with - since 1995 - is Joan Lader who also studied with Gavert.

It was a shock to people of the nineteenth century when they discovered from observations science had made that many features of the biological world could be ascribed to the elegant principle of natural selection.

The nineteenth century believed in science but the twentieth century does not.

The African American's relationship to Africa has long been ambivalent at least since the early nineteenth century when 3 000 black men crowded into Bishop Richard Allen's African Methodist Episcopal Church in Philadelphia to protest noisily a plan to recolonize free blacks in Africa.

But I did not find any positive inspiration in my studies until I approached my nineteenth year.

Of the twenty-two civilizations that have appeared in history nineteen of them collapsed when they reached the moral state the United States is in now.

So I started chanting when I was nineteen which was about twelve years ago and it really had a huge impact on my outlook happiness and general creativity.

Unquestionably it is possible to do without happiness it is done involuntarily by nineteen-twentieths of mankind.

Well well Henry James is pretty good though he is of the nineteenth century and that glaringly.

In the nineteenth century the problem was that God is dead. In the twentieth century the problem is that man is dead.