Search For negotiations In Quotes 12

If women ran the world we wouldn't have wars just intense negotiations every 28 days.

Canada and the United States are also working at the World Trade Organization and in our own hemisphere with negotiations for a Trade Area of the Americas to try to help countries create a positive climate for investment and trade.

As they say one thing led to another and ultimately the British and Irish governments asked me to serve as chairman of the peace negotiations which ironically began six years ago this week.

I enter negotiations with Chairman Arafat the leader of the PLO the representative of the Palestinian people with the purpose to have coexistence between our two entities Israel as a Jewish state and Palestinian state entity next to us living in peace.

You can set up whatever negotiations or structure you want but until the Palestinians are willing to accept the fact as the majority of Israelis do that there should be two states between the Jordan and the Mediterranean we won't have peace.

You know I think I think the Palestinians are trying to get away without negotiating. They're trying to get a state to continue the conflict with Israel rather than to end it. They're trying to basically detour around peace negotiations by going to the U.N. and have the automatic majority in the U.N. General Assembly give them give them a state.

Very often when you see families it's all perfect and neat and parenting isn't like that. You do have constant negotiations. Things are ever developing and ever changing and you constantly have to evaluate how you deal with your kids.

There has not yet been a major ground offensive battle... There are we know negotiations going on between the opposition forces and the Taliban leadership for surrender.

I told the President I told Rahm Emanuel and others in the administration that I thought the policy they took to try to bring about negotiations is counter-productive because when you give the Palestinians hope that the United States will do its negotiating for them they are not going to sit down and talk.

Many will view the compromises that will be made during your negotiations as painful concessions. But why not view them as peace offerings ones that will provide in return the priceless gifts of hope security and freedom for our children and our children's?