Search For native In Quotes 108

We have to consciously study how to be tender with each other until it becomes a habit because what was native has been stolen from us the love of Black women for each other.

What could be more lonely than to be enveloped in silence to be the last of your people to speak your native tongue to have no way to pass on the wisdom of the elders to anticipate the promise of the children. This tragic fate is indeed the plight of someone somewhere roughly every two weeks.

We have always said that in our war with the Arabs we had a secret weapon - no alternative.

In the last few years the very idea of telling the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth is dredged up only as a final resort when the alternative options of deception threat and bribery have all been exhausted.

If Romney explains why where we are with Obama is unacceptable why whither we are tending is even worse - and why his own alternative path forward is superior - then we trust the American people to make the right choice in November.

I was afterwards sorry for this though if I ever travel again I shall trust to none but natives as the climate of Africa is too trying to foreigners.

People have to make journeys what we want is people to have alternatives in public transport so that they can make a choice about the sort of way in which they're going to travel.

There are better alternatives... Australia should be exporting its solar technology not its uranium.

As part of our layered approach we have expedited the deployment of new Advanced Imaging Technology (AIT) units to help detect concealed metallic and non-metallic threats on passengers. These machines are now in use at airports nationwide and the vast majority of travelers say they prefer this technology to alternative screening measures.

The best translations cannot convey to us the strength and exquisite delicacy of thought in its native garb and he to whom such books are shut flounders about in outer darkness.