Search For nails In Quotes 21

Make no mistake most women are well aware that they've never had it so good when they enter a spa or salon it is purely a hair/nails thing a prelude to an evening of guilt-free fun.

Pithy sentences are like sharp nails which force truth upon our memory.

There was a time when nails were high-tech. There was a time when people had to be told how to use a telephone. Technology is just a tool. People use tools to improve their lives.

Though I still have no semblance of a life outside of Nine Inch Nails at the moment I realize my goals have gone from getting a record deal or selling another record to being a better person more well-rounded having friends having a relationship with somebody.

Certain people in the United States are driving nails into this structure of our relationship then cutting off the heads. So the Soviets must use their teeth to pull them out.

I just try to stay positive and focused on the tennis not let anything get to me like crazy questions. But I'm tough let me tell you tough as nails.

When I was in college I used to write little ditties and short stories and poetry for my friends. Writing a book is another thing. It is so much different from my traditional day of dirty fingernails and greasy hair and hot pans.

I like music that's more offensive. I like it to sound like nails on a blackboard get me wild.

I love getting my nails done. My mom's best friend is a manicurist. When I was little she'd do little paintings on my nails like flowers.

Mom spent the time that she was supposed to be a kid actully raising children her younger brother and younger sister. She was tough as nails and did not suffer fools at all. And the truth was she could not afford to. She spoke the truth bluntly directly and without much varnish. I am her son.