Search For myths In Quotes 20

Old myths old gods old heroes have never died. They are only sleeping at the bottom of our mind waiting for our call. We have need for them. They represent the wisdom of our race.

I intend to explode the myths about myself and get down to the real truth about the legend that is Batman.

Myths and creeds are heroic struggles to comprehend the truth in the world.

I want to clear up a few myths about myself. People have written that I was a kindergarten teacher and a former Miss Texas and neither is true.

Congress acknowledged that society's accumulated myths and fears about disability and disease are as handicapping as are the physical limitations that flow from actual impairment.

But because we live in an age of science we have a preoccupation with corroborating our myths.

Science must begin with myths and with the criticism of myths.

The higher Greek poetry did not make up fictitious plots its business was to express the heroic saga the myths.

Distinctly American poetry is usually written in the context of one's geographic landscape sometimes out of one's cultural myths and often with reference to gender and race or ethnic origins.

American movies are often very good at mining those great underlying myths that make films robustly travel across class age gender culture.