Search For mornings In Quotes 18

Musicians can run this state better than politicians. We won't get a lot done in the mornings but we'll work late and be honest.

The roughest part of that lifestyle is the travel and early mornings.

Some mornings you wake up and think gee I look handsome today. Other days I think what am I doing in the movies? I wanna go back to Ireland and drive a forklift.

I'm pretty much a 9-to-5 kind of guy. I usually get to work about 8 in the morning and I work until 4 or 5 and sometimes I work on Saturday and Sunday mornings. Pretty much I keep the same hours as an accountant or clerk or whatever.

Not in the mornings I'm always so tired in the morning.

I was in Washington D.C. on the morning show by the time I was 18 programming a station by 19 No. 1 in the mornings. I think I was making I don't know a quarter of a million dollars by the time I was 25.

The first thing I think about when I wake up most mornings is the fact that I'm tired. I have been tired for decades. I am tired in the morning and I am tired while becalmed in the slough of the afternoon and I am tired in the evening except right when I try to go to sleep.

Some mornings it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps.

On Monday mornings I am dedicated to the proposition that all men are created jerks.

I know the world is filled with troubles and many injustices. But reality is as beautiful as it is ugly. I think it is just as important to sing about beautiful mornings as it is to talk about slums. I just couldn't write anything without hope in it.