Search For monkey In Quotes 17

Unlike some of the time-travel movies I love like 'Primer' or '12 Monkeys ' 'Looper' is not about time travel. It's about this situation that time travel creates and the people dealing with that situation. So narratively the big challenge was to have time travel get out of the way.

I wrote the very first stories in science fiction which dealt with homosexuality The World Well Lost and Affair With a Green Monkey.

Poetry it is often said and loudly so is life's true mirror. But a monkey looking into a work of literature looks in vain for Socrates.

I have a pet lizard named Puff five goldfish - named Pinky Brain Jowels Pearl and Sandy an oscar fish named Chef two pacus an albino African frog named Whitey a bonsai tree four Venus flytraps a fruit fly farm and sea monkeys.

I got a pet monkey called Charlie Chan.

Monkeys are superior to men in this: when a monkey looks into a mirror he sees a monkey.

An American monkey after getting drunk on brandy would never touch it again and thus is much wiser than most men.

Yes I've kissed a lot of guys. I like to kiss but that's it. I don't go home with anyone. I sleep with my animals like my baby monkey Brigitte Bardot.

I swear by that old expression 'One monkey don't stop no show!' The reality is we still have some good men out there and we should hail those men as the kings they are.

If you could cross a lion and a monkey that's what I'd be because monkeys are funny and lions are strong.