Search For moderation In Quotes 26

I like to talk about my obsession with french fries because I don't want people to think that 'Let's Move' is about complete utter deprivation. It's about moderation and real-life changes and ideas that really work for families.

Moderation is the inseparable companion of wisdom but with it genius has not even a nodding acquaintance.

The virtue of justice consists in moderation as regulated by wisdom.

Only actions give life strength only moderation gives it charm.

I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.

Virtue is a habit of the mind consistent with nature and moderation and reason.

I eat as much as the next girl but I work my butt of in the gym every morning! The key is moderation. I splurge on the weekend. A big bowl of pasta and a delicious slice of cake for dessert are my favorites.

When the sword is once drawn the passions of men observe no bounds of moderation.

Moderation has been called a virtue to limit the ambition of great men and to console undistinguished people for their want of fortune and their lack of merit.

The heart is great which shows moderation in the midst of prosperity.

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I took an acting class. After the first day the teacher quit so they said take another. When I saw 'How to be a Stand-up Comedian ' it resonated. I realized I'd rather make 200 people laugh than make one person cry.