Search For mentality In Quotes 23

Hatred is corrosive of a person's wisdom and conscience the mentality of enmity can poison a nation's spirit instigate brutal life and death struggles destroy a society's tolerance and humanity and block a nation's progress to freedom and democracy.

This thing is for the game of golf yeah but trust me the Europeans don't have that mentality.

You know we - we start with a mentality that we'll take a sports project if its good. And we're certainly not on the lookout for them because to be honest we don't have to. They walk in the door.

Being No. 1. It's talked about all of the time in hip-hop. 'I'm still No. 1! I'm the best! I'm the greatest of all time!' It's the same mentality in sports.

In deep sadness there is no place for sentimentality.

I had to develop the mentality and stay positive about making my comeback.

I believe however that peace is attainable regardless of the Arabs mentality society or government.

I was surrounded by nature and trying to come to terms with this blissful nature versus the inhumane mentality of war. People were being deluded by someone using the word peace.

What is news? It's hard to quantify. Certainly news has changed completely and the morning shows are not really designed to bring you the news except to tell you what happened overnight and the rest of it is a kind of magazine mentality - a little bit of this a little bit of that. It's harder to be an educated and informed citizen.

I was brought up by a single mom in a poor town in Arkansas and while some aspects of small-town life were really positive - like the fact that everyone there is really sweet and hospitable - there is also this close-minded mentality and that naturally made me want to rebel.