Search For manipulation In Quotes 15

I will say that the idea of a woman being deceptive came from that original discussion with critics and reporters about if woman could do that kind of thing. Evelyn herself grew out of the discussions about how capable women are of deceit and lying and manipulation.

The research rat of the future allows experimentation without manipulation of the real world. This is the cutting edge of modeling technology.

The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society.

The concept of romantic love affords a means of emotional manipulation which the male is free to exploit since love is the only circumstance in which the female is (ideologically) pardoned for sexual activity.

So poetry becomes a means for useful dialogue between people who are not only unknown but mute to each other. It produces a dialogue among people that guards all of us against manipulation by our so-called leaders.

Speculation is only a word covering the making of money out of the manipulation of prices instead of supplying goods and services.

Love comes when manipulation stops when you think more about the other person than about his or her reactions to you. When you dare to reveal yourself fully. When you dare to be vulnerable.

The real violence is committed in the writing of history the records of the legal system the reporting of news through the manipulation of social contracts and the control of information.

This empire unlike any other in the history of the world has been built primarily through economic manipulation through cheating through fraud through seducing people into our way of life through the economic hit men. I was very much a part of that.

The principle that human nature in its psychological aspects is nothing more than a product of history and given social relations removes all barriers to coercion and manipulation by the powerful.