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In the spring of 1994 I decided not to seek reelection to the Senate. I had made the decision 12 years earlier Christmas Day of 1982 just after I had been first elected to a full term that I would do the best I could for a limited time.

My share of the work may be limited but the fact that it is work makes it precious.

We are seeing a great awakening. A national movement of We the People brought together by what unites us - a shared love of liberty and an understanding of the unlimited potential of free men and free women.

For any of us in this room today let's start out by admitting we're lucky. We don't live in the world our mothers lived in our grandmothers lived in where career choices for women were so limited.

The sublimity of wisdom is to do those things living which are to be desired when dying.

The extreme limit of wisdom that's what the public calls madness.

Every man is a damn fool for at least five minutes every day wisdom consists in not exceeding the limit.

The whole point of being in the Army is wanting to get killed wanting to test yourself to the limits. Now you have to fly 15 000ft above the war zone to avoid getting hit. I don't think there is any point in having wars if that's how you're going to behave. It's pathetic. All this whining!

Four years of world war at a cost in human suffering which our minds are mercifully too limited to imagine led to the very clear realization that international anarchy must be abandoned if civilization was to survive.

War famine poverty and oppression of the workers will continue while woman makes life cheap. They will cease only when she limits her reproductivity and human life is no longer a thing to be wasted.