Search For levels In Quotes 66

Men now monopolize the upper levels... depriving women of their rightful share of opportunities for incompetence.

But as far as being an American and loving this country and getting a chance to travel across it every day and meeting people on the road and folks in the military I love this country on so many different levels.

It's life isn't it? You plow ahead and make a hit. And you plow on and someone passes you. Then someone passes them. Time levels.

I have taught history on the high school and college levels and am or have been a lecturer at the Smithsonian The National Institutes of Health and numerous colleges and universities mostly on science fiction and technology subjects.

The Cox Report documents a systematic well-planned effort by the Chinese military at the highest levels to target and acquire technology for military modernization.

I didn't go to university. Didn't even finish A-levels. But I have sympathy for those who did.

The kind of theater that I do is sort of 'narrative realism ' which I think in the broadest sense is legitimate to say is mainstream. I mean in a certain sense Suzan-Lori's plays have had mainstream levels of success. But Suzan-Lori is in some ways not a narrative realist.

Although housing sales and starts have cooled to more typical levels the housing market remains strong and sound. Without the expansion of homeownership and the strength of our housing market our nation would not have the economic growth we are experiencing today.

Just like music sports elevates us to new levels of achievment.

When a sports movie really works it gets you on all levels because the stakes are high. It's black and white. It's win or lose.

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The mere assemblage of peace loving people to interchange convincing reasons for their common faith mere exhortation and argument to the public in favor of peace in general fall short of the mark.