Search For laughs In Quotes 25

If you start to disrespect the character you're playing or play it too much for laughs that can work for a sketch it will sell some gags but it's all technique. It's like watching a juggler - you can be impressed by it but it's not going to touch you in any way.

Excessive sorrow laughs. Excessive joy weeps.

The flower in the vase smiles but no longer laughs.

Earth laughs in flowers.

A man of knowledge chooses a path with a heart and follows it and then he looks and rejoices and laughs and then he sees and knows.

Sure the comedians who swear or use scatological humor can get laughs but they're uncomfortable laughs.

They don't make you pay for the humor. It's up and down but they're trying to give you as many laughs as possible in 2 minutes. They are the most honest comedians ever.

When a man laughs at his troubles he loses a great many friends. They never forgive the loss of their prerogative.

We are all here for a spell get all the good laughs you can.

'Lucky' is for laughs and there's really nothing funny that I'm doing on 'Dexter.' I think more than anything both comment on the fact that anybody is capable of anything. Just because they are the shy guy in the corner doesn't mean that they are a harmless little bunny.