Search For junior In Quotes 32

I got into acting my junior year of high school. We got a new hot drama teacher and I was like 'Alright I'll try drama.'

Following my junior year in high school I went on a camping trip through Russia in a group led by Horst Momber a young language teacher from Roosevelt.

I had a classic gym teacher in junior high who wore a weightlifter's belt all the time.

My name is James Edward Franco. Ted is a nickname for Edward. That's what my parents called me. I also got 'Teddy Ruxpin' a lot. It just got to a point where I got sick of it so when a teacher called out 'James Franco' my junior year of high school I didn't correct her.

My art teacher in junior high was a very out gay man and a mentor to me.

My art teacher in junior high was a very out gay man and a mentor to me. He would tell us about Greenwich Village and show us the 'Village Voice' and describe his life but it was all sort of subversive and below the radar.

When I was in junior high school the teachers voted me the student most likely to end up in the electric chair.

I came from Long Island so I had a lot of experience at the stick. I played in junior high school then I played in high school. The technical aspect of the game was my forte. I had all that experience then I had strength and I was in good condition.

When my TV show 'Sports Jobs with Junior Seau ' assigned me to be a 'Sports Illustrated' reporter for a weekend I didn't realize I'd have to squeeze it in around another sports job. I had planned to retire from the NFL to enjoy the cushy lifestyle of a full-time reality TV star but I wound up getting run over by a bull.

When I was in elementary school we weren't allowed to do sports other than cheerleading. By junior high they let us play but we had to come back after 6:30 p.m. to practice because there was only one gymnasium and the boys used it first.

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It's weird to say but every time I look at my daughter and I see this little living breathing thing that came from me that represents all of the hopes and dreams that I would want for her I see a miracle.