Search For isolated In Quotes 31

Eventually with success I started to feel more and more isolated - like I didn't have a community of artists.

Our society is not a community but merely a collection of isolated family units.

We know from science that nothing in the universe exists as an isolated or independent entity.

It's much easier to write when you're sad. But you can end up isolated and depressed because you almost need to put yourself in that situation to have that angst to write from.

The completely solitary self: that's where poetry comes from and it gets isolated by crisis and those crises are often very intimate also.

I have this pet thing about how global communications are moving so fast now throwing information at you making everything available to you and yet I feel it's leaving us more and more isolated.

In nature we never see anything isolated but everything in connection with something else which is before it beside it under it and over it.

No phenomenon can be isolated but has repercussions through every aspect of our lives. We are learning that we are a fundamental part of nature's ecosystems.

Human beings are accustomed to think of intellect as the power of having and controlling ideas and of ability to learn as synonymous with ability to have ideas. But learning by having ideas is really one of the rare and isolated events in nature.

One could not have isolated this retrovirus without knowledge of other retroviruses that's obvious. But I believe we have answered the criteria of isolation.