Search For inventor In Quotes 15

Very learned women are to be found in the same manner as female warriors but they are seldom or ever inventors.

Inventor: A person who makes an ingenious arrangement of wheels levers and springs and believes it civilization.

People think of the inventor as a screwball but no one ever asks the inventor what he thinks of other people.

People talk of me as being the inventor of the legal thriller.

Being a geek is all about learning the inventories of things.

I did a book in 1996 an overview of black history. In that process I became more aware of a lot of the black inventors of the 19th century.

To state the facts frankly is not to despair the future nor indict the past. The prudent heir takes careful inventory of his legacies and gives a faithful accounting to those whom he owes an obligation of trust.

If it weren't for Philo T. Farnsworth inventor of television we'd still be eating frozen radio dinners.

I do not think there is any thrill that can go through the human heart like that felt by the inventor as he sees some creation of the brain unfolding to success... such emotions make a man forget food sleep friends love everything.

An inventor is simply a fellow who doesn't take his education too seriously.