Search For intolerance In Quotes 19

I very much dislike the intolerance and moralism of many Christians and feel more sympathy with Honest Doubters than with them.

House music is about love and lots of hip hop is about hate and intolerance so in that respect it's not good at all.

Cruel persecutions and intolerance are not accidents but grow out of the very essence of religion namely its absolute claims.

Intolerance respecting other people's religion is toleration itself in comparison with intolerance respecting other people's art.

Religious wars are not caused by the fact that there is more than one religion but by the spirit of intolerance... the spread of which can only be regarded as the total eclipse of human reason.

The enemy is not just terrorism. It is the threat posed specifically by Islamist terrorism by Bin Ladin and others who draw on a long tradition of extreme intolerance within a minority strain of Islam that does not distinguish politics from religion and distorts both.

It is thus tolerance that is the source of peace and intolerance that is the source of disorder and squabbling.

A fascist is one whose lust for money or power is combined with such an intensity of intolerance toward those of other races parties classes religions cultures regions or nations as to make him ruthless in his use of deceit or violence to attain his ends.

Children are remarkable for their intelligence and ardor for their curiosity their intolerance of shams the clarity and ruthlessness of their vision.

There is nothing glorious about what our ancestors call history. It is simply a succession of mistakes intolerances and violations.