Search For internet In Quotes 149

You don't have to turn on the TV set. You don't have to work on the Internet. It's up to you.

Around '93 '94 the conventional wisdom about the Internet was that it was a toy for academics and researchers. So it was very very underestimated for about two years.

I currently use Ubuntu Linux on a standalone laptop - it has no Internet connection. I occasionally carry flash memory drives between this machine and the Macs that I use for network surfing and graphics but I trust my family jewels only to Linux.

I travel abroad constantly on book promotion and research and the Internet is invaluable to me for accessing U.K. news in places such as America which most of the time hasn't heard of England.

What has happened to the good old-fashioned travel agent? I want to go to a really posh travel agent and have them organise everything for me. I don't want to do things on the Internet.

I think the thing we see is that as people are using video games more they tend to watch passive TV a bit less. And so using the PC for the Internet playing video games is starting to cut into the rather unbelievable amount of time people spend watching TV.

I'm so thankful for the Internet because actors and singers and performers now have a way to connect with their fans on a very personal level which I think is quite special.

I think there is a difference between Slate and Salon. I think we both serve important functions on the Internet. As more and more Websites disappear I'm thankful Slate is still around because it makes things less lonely.

Vivendi will be one of the very few top communications groups of the Internet age. We will have customers all over the globe providing services through all kinds of technology.

You cannot make thousands of universities or hundreds of thousands of professors but with technology and the Internet you can have great courses and make a digital university.