Search For intellect In Quotes 225

All growth depends upon activity. There is no development physically or intellectually without effort and effort means work.

Yale is a crucible in American life for the accommodation of intellectual achievement of wisdom of refinement with the democratic ideals of openness of social justice and of equal opportunity.

This ceremony and the intellectual aura associated with the Nobel Prizes have grown from the wisdom of a practical chemist who wrote a remarkable will.

I wanted to define the vocabulary of a wedding both visually and intellectually. The book is about more than weddings or wedding dresses. It's a metaphor for women's lives their creativity.

Strategic thinkers were naturally rattled to find this outsider fooling around with their work. They had been thinking strategically when Reagan was just another movie actor playing opposite a chimpanzee for heaven's sake. They think Reagan is too naive too innocent to grasp the intellectual complexities of cold war strategy.

But does that mean that war and violence are inevitable? I would argue not because we have also evolved this amazingly sophisticated intellect and we are capable of controlling our innate behavior a lot of the time.

I'm interested in trying to explore what I think is the truth at a given time in my life and part of the process of being honest is - in my mind - talking about the idea that you're watching a movie. You're sitting here watching a movie. And I like that. It appeals to me intellectually and also in a way I can't even explain.

Establishing an equilibrium between the Islam of truth and Islam as an identity is one of the most difficult tasks of religious intellectuals.

Only when we realize that there is no eternal unchanging truth or absolute truth can we arouse in ourselves a sense of intellectual responsibility.

Somewhere between the intellectual idea of why we're attracted to certain things and the pragmatic reality is some form of ever-evolving truth.