Search For institution In Quotes 159

The most fundamental fact about the ideas of the political left is that they do not work. Therefore we should not be surprised to find the left concentrated in institutions where ideas do not have to work in order to survive.

India is known for its sobriety and wisdom balanced and sensible thinking. We need strong institutions and we need good governance in the country.

In justice to human society it may perhaps be said of almost all the polities and civil institutions in the world however imperfect that they have been founded in and carried on with very considerable wisdom.

Well the wedding in the words of the Archbishop of Canterbury was a fairy tale and there was a huge public impress investment of goodwill affection and indeed money in this Institution. It was a huge success at the time.

The most disastrous phenomenon of the current situation is the factor that imperialism is employing for its own ends all the powers of the proletariat all of its institutions and weapons which its fighting vanguard has created for its war of liberation.

At this stage of my life I would rather try and have some small impact within a company and suffer through those things than make such a big stink that nobody can trust to work with you. It's very important in an environment of a big institution that people don't feel threatened that you're going to expose them in any way.

Institutions develop because people put a lot of trust in them they meet real needs they represent important aspirations whether it's monasteries media or banks people begin by trusting these institutions and gradually the suspicion develops that actually they're working for themselves not for the community.

I tend not to trust people who live in very tidy houses. I know that on the surface there is nothing wrong with a person being well-ordered and disciplined. Nothing except that it leaves the impression of that person having lived in the confines of a stark institution which although he or she has long since left remains within.

I have a vision that's about technology that empowers consumers over institutions.

One column of truth cannot hold an institution of ideas from falling into ignorance. It is wiser that a person of prudence and purpose save his strength for battles that can be won.