Search For indulge In Quotes 46

Look I eat really well and I work out but I also indulge when I want to. I don't starve myself in an extremist way. You're not taking away my coffee or my dairy or my glass of wine because I'd be devastated.

Can I just say here how much I hate the word 'pamper'? While pretending to celebrate and indulge women it actually implies that their bodies are so revolting that even their 'me time' must be dedicated to turning them into living dolls if potential suitors are to be prevented from running screaming in horror.

However I must not indulge in homespun wisdom here before so distinguished an assembly especially as I am to be followed by a representative of science.

I wish I had coined the phrase 'tyranny of choice ' but someone beat me to it. The counterintuitive truth is that have an abundance of options does not make you feel privileged and indulged too many options make you feel like all of them are wrong and that you are wrong if you choose any of them.

Doubt indulged and cherished is in danger of becoming denial but if honest and bent on thorough investigation it may soon lead to full establishment of the truth.

I therefore beg that you would indulge me with the liberty of declining the arduous trust.

Occasionally I find a travel book that is both illuminating and entertaining where vivid writing and research replace self-indulgence and sloppy prose.

The person who grieves suffers his passion to grow upon him he indulges it he loves it but this never happens in the case of actual pain which no man ever willingly endured for any considerable time.

I will indulge my sorrows and give way to all the pangs and fury of despair.

Real success is being totally indulgent about your own trip. You put your blinders on about the garbage and go full speed ahead.

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I can remember when I was National Security Adviser the intelligence community told us... they put out an intelligence report saying that Iran would never back off from attacks on shipping in the Gulf if we use force.