Search For holes In Quotes 47

A wholesome oblivion of one's neighbours is the beginning of wisdom.

If you believe the doctors nothing is wholesome if you believe the theologians nothing is innocent if you believe the military nothing is safe.

So instead of talking about theoretical ways of ending the war and violence I say that we have to get rid of the individual asholes in each office and situation.

Do not trust your memory it is a net full of holes the most beautiful prizes slip through it.

If you travel around America you see different sections of highways donated by this or that person and that's a slow beginning of what may end up being a situation common in the Third World: some sections of highways in wealthy areas are beautifully maintained and other parts are just dirt-strewn potholes.

I get hired by companies to hack into their systems and break into their physical facilities to find security holes. Our success rate is 100% we've always found a hole.

Eighteen holes of match play will teach you more about your foe than 18 years of dealing with him across a desk.

I know of no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion the remedy is not to take it from them but to inform their discretion.

Indeed the whole human species is endangered by nuclear weapons or by other means of wholesale destruction which further advances in science are likely to produce.

I like science fiction and physics things like that. Planets being sucked into black holes and the various vortexes that create possibility and what happens on the other side of the black hole. To me it's the microcosmic study of the macrocosmic universe in man and that's why I'm attracted to it.

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I once asked a hermit in Italy how he could venture to live alone in a single cottage on the top of a mountain a mile from any habitation? He replied that Providence was his next-door neighbor.