Search For hippie In Quotes 13

I used to travel in tennis shoes I am just not allowed to anymore. I'm an old hippie from San Francisco.

I'm just an old hippie. You know peace and love.

The hippies wanted peace and love. We wanted Ferraris blondes and switchblades.

My real fantasy if I was to drop out would be to live in a mobile home and be a hippie and drive around festivals and have millions of children - children with dreadlocks and nose rings - and play the flute.

I really like to look like a history book. I can look 1940s I can look 1970s hippie-chic or sometimes I'll pull that '80s Brooklyn hip-hop kid with the door-knocker earrings.

It's funny how the hippies and the punks tried to get rid of the conservatives but they always seem to get the upper hand in the end.

It's not so much what you learn about Mumbai it's what you learn about yourself really. It's a funny old hippie thing but it's true as well. You find out a lot about yourself and your tolerance and about your inclusiveness.

The people I grew up around who I really liked were quick on the draw. It always just wowed me. And my mum would make weird funny comments. I can see in myself her self-deprecating hippie humour. I can't take myself too seriously.

My family my parents are hippies.

Looking back there is nothing wrong with that peace love and equality that the hippies espoused. In many ways we have regressed because they were into organic food back to nature make love not war be good to all men share and share alike - which is what many are talking about now.