Search For handsome In Quotes 19

I find very often that very ugly women have really handsome men and vice versa because they don't have any competition. Sometimes handsome men have avoided me.

These are my new shoes. They're good shoes. They won't make you rich like me they won't make you rebound like me they definitely won't make you handsome like me. They'll only make you have shoes like me. That's it.

I knew that I did not have to buy into society's notion that I had to be handsome and healthy to be happy. I was in charge of my 'spaceship' and it was my up my down. I could choose to see this situation as a setback or as a starting point. I chose to begin life again.

I often feel like I have this spirit living inside of me always dressing in like short mini skirts... but then I start to discover myself. So there are eight spirits mischievous ones sad ones handsome ones wise ones and crazy ones.

The person that made me want to make movies and the reason I do films is Bruce Lee. He was an incredible actor and he had a lot of charisma. Handsome action you know everything was there. I loved Bruce Lee.

I'm not a strikingly handsome guy but I'm in movies.

Some mornings you wake up and think gee I look handsome today. Other days I think what am I doing in the movies? I wanna go back to Ireland and drive a forklift.

You know I looked at my face in the mirror this morning and I like being old. My face has more content and when I train in the gym now I am not training to be strong or handsome - just better than I was yesterday. These days the race is just against myself.

Nobody loves a woman because she is handsome or ugly stupid or intelligent. We love because we love.

Truth is handsomer than the affectation of love. Your goodness must have some edge to it else it is none.

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My dad was always such a frustrated artist. He always worked very hard to support his family doing a bunch of ridiculous jobs. He wanted to be a painter but then he also wrote science-fiction novels in his spare time.