Search For grandma In Quotes 13

I love the simplicity the ingredients the culture the history and the seasonality of Italian cuisine. In Italy people do not travel. They cook the way grandma did using fresh ingredients and what is available in season.

I've met so many fans of daytime television who've watched the shows with their moms and grandmas and feel like they've known the characters their whole lives. It's sad for them to have to say goodbye to their favorite soaps and characters. We don't want that to happen to the 'Days' fans.

Cancer has been unfortunately in my life. My mom's best friend is kicking ass in her battle with breast cancer. Both of my grandmas had cancer. I recently lost a friend to cancer.

My mom has a tape from when I was like 2 years old talking with my grandma telling her a story that's really elaborate about werewolves and wolves.

Man after all my grandma put into me learning the piano that was a hard day telling her I was telling jokes for a living.

Don't get me wrong - I've gone to a club. But I'd much rather be with my close friends at home or a concert or on a trip. I'll go dancing with my grandma. She likes to cut a rug!

If Charlton Heston can have a constitutional right carry a rifle why can't grandma have a constitutional right to health care?

I get so nervous on stage I can't help but talk. I try. I try telling my brain: stop sending words to the mouth. But I get nervous and turn into my grandma. Behind the eyes it's pure fear. I find it difficult to believe I'm going to be able to deliver.

I like all the families in the U.K. But what I like about the idea of the royal family is... they seem like they're well educated and there's something admirable about them. And the Queen... she reminds me of my grandma.

I'm not certain but I have a little gypsy blood in me. And my mother always told me that her grandma could give someone the evil eye and I'd better not cross her because she had some of that blood in her. Mother always believed that she could predict the future and she had dreams that came true.