Search For gloom In Quotes 17

A gloomy guest fits not a wedding feast.

If a man be gloomy let him keep to himself. No one has the right to go croaking about society or what is worse looking as if he stifled grief.

People ask me to smile for the camera but somehow it always comes out gloomy.

People expect me to be dark and gloomy then write that I'm a jolly chap and after all that is what I am. I think it's a case of an absolute romantic naivety that there should be a parallel between the work and the artist.

I find it hard to take rock groups very seriously or treat them with respect. There is something absurd about these gloomy young men getting together and banging away.

There are some great questions to ask your doctor. If he says 'no ' then you find yourself a different doctor. There really has to be a change in how we medically look at women at this time. I mean this is not just baby gloom.

Music is moonlight in the gloomy night of life.

My theory has always been that if we are to dream the flatteries of hope are as cheap and pleasanter than the gloom of despair.

Remember that happiness is as contagious as gloom. It should be the first duty of those who are happy to let others know of their gladness.

It is not fitting when one is in God's service to have a gloomy face or a chilling look.