Search For gentle In Quotes 85

It's hard to do it because you gotta look people in the eye and tell 'em they're irresponsible and lazy. And who's gonna wanna do that? Because that's what poverty is ladies and gentlemen. In this country you can succeed if you get educated and work hard. Period. Period.

Gentleness doesn't get work done unless you happen to be a hen laying eggs.

Men and women should stay apart till their hearts grow gentle towards one another again.

Lord give us the wisdom to utter words that are gentle and tender for tomorrow we may have to eat them.

War is cruelty and none can make it gentle.

Gentlemen I fervently trust that before long the principle of arbitration may win such confidence as to justify its extension to a wider field of international differences.

I could I trust starve like a gentleman. It's listed as part of the poetic training you know.

When you encounter difficulties and contradictions do not try to break them but bend them with gentleness and time.

The finest workers in stone are not copper or steel tools but the gentle touches of air and water working at their leisure with a liberal allowance of time.

My father also happened to be an intellectual as learned literate informed and curious as anyone I have known. Unobtrusively and casually he was my wise and gentle teacher.