Search For freed In Quotes 1087

Hatred is corrosive of a person's wisdom and conscience the mentality of enmity can poison a nation's spirit instigate brutal life and death struggles destroy a society's tolerance and humanity and block a nation's progress to freedom and democracy.

As far as feeling freedom in my career now versus five years ago... I think if I feel any more free it's simply because of the experiences that I've had and the wisdom I've accumulated from that time.

How do you tell troops who volunteered to fight for our freedoms that the country they fought for won't take care of them when they come back? In the time of war our troops and their families are supposed to be our number one priority.

I was a little girl in World War II and I'm used to being freed by Americans.

Central authority is bad. The bias should be for freedom. And without a central authority there are lots of little authorities and we learn which ones to trust.

Let us not forget that the European Community started as a project for peace after the terrible Second World War. And today people take for granted the freedom to travel to study to work abroad. And the citizens of one country have almost exactly the same rights as another country.

We take so many of our freedoms for granted nowadays - I can travel where I like I can have a baby when I like I can do any job I want - but I do think chivalry has been lost a little bit.

We all have to announce our full solidarity with the struggle of those seeking freedom and justice in Syria and translate this sympathy into a clear political vision that supports a peaceful transition to a democratic system of rule that reflects the demands of the Syrian people for freedom.

We can take full comfort in realizing the continuing strength of our nation. America's lands remain radiantly rich with diversity and freedom still reigns.

Some in my party threaten to send a message that they don't know a just war when they see it and more broadly that they're not prepared to use our military strength to protect our security and the cause of freedom.