Search For freak In Quotes 42

I noticed in the past a lot of guys who like strong women they really freak out if you're not strong 24/7. Or they complain about you being strong then the moment you're not strong they're like 'Oh no no no.'

People commonly travel the world over to see rivers and mountains new stars garish birds freak fish grotesque breeds of human they fall into an animal stupor that gapes at existence and they think they have seen something.

Another thing that freaks me out is time. Time is like a book. You have a beginning a middle and an end. It's just a cycle.

I'm a freak everything has to be totally flat when I play. Ed Will my jazz teacher set up everything completely flat and then you'd tilt your snare drum away from you so I do that too. So my snare tilts away from me.

Which is - you know like check it out I'm pretty young I'm only about 40 years old. I still have maybe another four decades of work left in me. And it's exceedingly likely that anything I write from this point forward is going to be judged by the world as the work that came after the freakish success of my last book right?

It was sad when Sid Vicious died... I was freaked out when Phil Lynott died from Thin Lizzy. I cried. It was too crazy.

We went online to surrogacy agencies. We interviewed lots of people - and I have to say with all due respect some of them were freaks. I was very leery of the process the whole way through.

I love changing. I hate it when people try to box me in to a relationship or in a work context. Any situation where I feel boxed in freaks me out. And I feel the need to reinvent myself or I'll get bored.

People don't really understand but having people stare and point and take pictures even if it is in a positive framework is quite isolating there's no two ways about it. You feel a little bit you know freakish.

Hearing my songs in public freaks me out a bit. There was one restaurant I really liked in L.A. but I had to stop going there when they started playing my music. It felt kinda awkward.