Search For france In Quotes 57

I had two family members involved in World War I: two great-uncles. One of them is on a memorial in France. And the other was a trench runner who survived the war. The average life span of a trench runner was 36 hours but he survived the whole war.

France has lost the battle but she has not lost the war.

Going to war without France is like going hunting without an accordion.

Yes I travel in unusual circles. George Osborne and his wife Frances are my cousins.

The first condition of success for the League of Nations is therefore a firm understanding between the British Empire and the United States of America and France and Italy that there will be no competitive building up of fleets or armies between them.

The single currency should allow the European Union and therefore France to balance its monetary strength with the United States. It should help us adjust to the development of China.

The type of cuisine I do especially after being on 'Iron Chef' for several years is a lot of global cuisine. My strength has always been Mediterranean cuisine across the board from Morocco Spain Italy Greece France but I think now I'm doing a lot of very different cuisines all the time.

You go to Holland France Germany every community the tiniest village they have magnificent pristine sports facilities.

One thing that makes France different from other countries is the tradition of social solidarity. People from all backgrounds and political positions are willing to contribute for services and protection of society as a whole - but on the condition that money is being spent effectively and that everyone is paying their part.

I have an intense dislike for artificial society. In France one could lead a free life - to do what one wanted to do without interference or criticism from one's neighbors.

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There are millions of people who consume music illegally every month. Just getting them into a legal service will make the music industry way bigger than it's ever been before.