Search For fountain In Quotes 22

The upheavals of adolescence silenced 'A Christmas Carol' for a few years. I became a firebrand atheist. Christmas - humbug! Too commercial! Then I became an agnostic. Christmas was a pro-forma affair basically a chore. Buy mother a book dad a new tie my brother and sister small gifts. Pretend thanks for the fountain pens and shirts I received.

To find joy in work is to discover the fountain of youth.

But the law of God came from heaven indeed. God wrote it with his finger it is the fountain of all wisdom and therefore shall it continue for ever and never have an end.

A kind heart is a fountain of gladness making everything in its vicinity freshen into smiles.

Because of the Thames I have always loved inland waterways - water in general water sounds - there's music in water. Brooks babbling fountains splashing. Weirs waterfalls tumbling gushing.

I have done many movies that people hadn't seen. 'The Fountain ' I spent a year on that. 'The Prestige' with Chris Nolan and 'Australia.' From my perspective it's very satisfying. Some movies people see and other movies they don't. 'Wolverine ' 'X Men ' I know that in some level people know me just for that and it's fine for me.

A film is a petrified fountain of thought.

For true love is inexhaustible the more you give the more you have. And if you go to draw at the true fountainhead the more water you draw the more abundant is its flow.

The hardest of all is learning to be a well of affection and not a fountain to show them we love them not when we feel like it but when they do.

Learned men are the cisterns of knowledge not the fountainheads.

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I try to remember as I hear about friends getting engaged that it's not about the ring and it's not about the wedding. It's a grave thing getting married. And it's easy to get swept up in the wrong things.