Search For folks In Quotes 56

Some folks are wise and some are otherwise.

Brainy folks were also present in Lyndon Johnson's administration especially in the Pentagon where Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara's brilliant 'whiz kids' tried to micro-manage the Vietnam war with disastrous results.

But as far as being an American and loving this country and getting a chance to travel across it every day and meeting people on the road and folks in the military I love this country on so many different levels.

I try to forget about the expectation that's out there and the audience listening for the next thing so that I'm not trying to please them. I've spent a huge amount of time not communicating with those folks and denying that they exist.

We need to internalize this idea of excellence. Not many folks spend a lot of time trying to be excellent.

Look folks we know who built this country and we know who is going to rebuild it. It's you. Instead of vilifying you we should be thanking you. We owe you.

On the other hand there would be some value in different folks getting together to share expertise and technology but to the listener it wouldn't necessarily seem like a single station in the traditional sense.

These days the technology can solve our problems and then some. Solutions may not only erase physical or mental deficits but leave patients better off than "able-bodied" folks. The person who has a disability today may have a superability tomorrow.

You can't have a United States if you are telling some folks that they can't get on the train. There is a cracking point where a society collapses.

You can always tell folks from nonfolks. Folks like to feel good like to smile for the camera when there's a big photo opportunity for a really good cause.