Search For flight In Quotes 38

The heroes of Flight 93 won the first battle in the War on Terror and they should never be forgotten.

I used my aviation contacts to open a travel agency. I used to book Caribbean flights.

My first ever job after college was as a flight attendant. I wanted to travel and could not afford it so I decided to get myself a job where I could travel. I did it for two years and had great fun.

It's very expensive to be a professional tennis player with all the travel and the flights and the hotels and everything.

On long haul flights I always drink loads and loads of water and eat light and healthy food.

NASA was going to pick a public school teacher to go into space observe and make a journal about the space flight and I am a teacher who always dreamed of going up into space.

First I shall name the eagle of which there are three species: the great grey eagle is the largest of great strength and high flight he chiefly preys on fawns and other young quadrupeds.

Better to die in the pursuit of civilized values we believed than in a flight underground. We were offering a value system couched in the language of science.

What other people may find in poetry or art museums I find in the flight of a good drive.

I'll always remember when I bumped into Good Morning America's Robin Roberts on a flight to my mother's funeral in 1994 and how kind she was during that difficult time.